With today’s onslaught of social media and electronic marketing, you may think print newsletters are a bit too old fashioned and no longer effective. But actually, they could be your most effective marketing practice. When done right, newsletters are the key to patient retention, referrals and continuing growth for your practice.
Staying in touch
Your practice database is your secret weapon to building relationships and driving business. Think about it: everyone in your database is someone who has already had contact with your practice in one way or the other. They know you; you know them. So, capitalize on that relationship and keep in touch.
Though your patients may not actively be in communication with you, sending a quarterly newsletter keeps you top of mind.
Newsletters are not like traditional direct mail pieces. When done well, they are full of interesting and useful information. Instead of the trash, they go into the hands of your valued patients who look forward to the entertaining and informative read.
Trust spreads
The consistent communication with your patients shows you as a caring and knowledgeable provider. The ongoing commitment to their well-being builds customer intimacy and trust. So, though they may not have a need to see you now, when they do have a problem or think they could be hearing better, you will be the first person they will think of.
And, when their friend or loved one keeps asking “what?” or turns the TV volume too loud, your patient can share the newsletter with them, confidently referring them to your practice.
It has to be great
Here’s the key to making a newsletter work for you: it has to be done well and consistently. That means, easy to read, entertaining, nice to look at and full of information your patients care about. And, sending it once and awhile won’t do anything but waste your time and money. To be effective, a newsletter needs to be sent out quarterly to stay top of mind.
At Unitron, we understand that putting together a great newsletter like we’ve described can be difficult. And let’s be honest, most hearing care professionals don’t have the time to take on projects like this. That’s why we’ve put together a Quarterly Newsletter Program, designed to give hearing care providers a high-quality, customizable, low-stress quarterly newsletter to keep in touch with patients throughout the year.
Sound interesting?
Check out our Quarterly Newsletter Program. Beautifully designed with one purpose in mind—getting your database to refer to you and come back to see you.
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